4.7 (86+) Reviews

Transform Your Client Inquiries Into Instant Success with AI customer service

Instant, Accurate Responses Powered by AI: Our platform offers intelligent automation for up to 70% of inquiries, meticulously scanning your website, help center, or other designated resources to deliver precise, personalized, and accurate AI-generated answers swiftly.

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Platform Overview

Join 1000+ happy businesses worldwide using Cataleya AI


Simplify Daily Business Challenges with Our Chatbot Solution

Experience effortless automation for your conversations across various channels, all through our user-friendly, no-code ai-powered chatbot platform.

24x7 Availability

Cataleya Chat is tirelessly at your service, engaging with your clients without ever needing to pause for breaks, coffee, or lunch. Ourbot stands by your side 24x7, ensuring no inquiry goes unanswered, day or night, throughout the year!

More Conversions

Our chatbot's continuous, proactive interaction with visitors significantly increases the likelihood of information capture. With Cataleya Chat, not only do you gain crucial visitor data, but we also deliver insightful analytics on conversion trends!

Personalized interactions

Cataleya Chat, integrated with ChatGPT, adapts and improves with usage, providing increasingly personalized conversations. Experience engagement that becomes more tailored and effective, ensuring every client feels uniquely valued.

Chatbot example

76% of visitors don't transfer to a human agent

Effortlessly convert website visitors into qualified leads with our chatbot that engages visitors with pre-qualifying questions to boost lead generation. Elevate user experience with ChatGPT-powered responses, training your chatbot to answer FAQs like a pro.

Moreover, our chatbots can qualify prospects and schedule appointments directly on your sales team's calendars, streamlining the booking process and saving time.

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"As a Senior Content Designer, I've vetted many chatbot platforms and Cataleya Chat shines with its easy-to-use BotBuilder and one-line website integration. Its standout features include calendar integrations, team selections, human handoffs, and direct connections to Google, Zapier, Webhooks, and Calendly. Eager to explore its AI Studio with ChatGPT integration, highlighting its robust conversation design capabilities."

- Dan K. - NYC

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