Maximize Efficiency, Leads, and Client Satisfaction

Elevate your real estate business into the digital age with our cutting-edge AI chatbots. Designed specifically for real estate agents and agencies, our platform streamlines marketing, sales, and customer service, ensuring you're always ahead in the competitive market.

Why Opt for Our AI Chatbots?


Enhanced Lead Generation

Our AI chatbots are your first line of engagement, intelligently screening and qualifying every website visitor to turn prospects into actionable leads, boosting your sales potential.


Webpage Training

Provide your website domain, and our AI studio meticulously scans every corner, ensuring your chatbot can deliver accurate, informed responses drawn from your content.

Real Success Stories from the Field


BrightPath Realty

"Implementing these AI chatbots has been a game-changer, resulting in a 30% increase in our monthly leads. It's revolutionized how we interact with clients."


Skyline Agents

"Since deploying the chatbot, we've seen a 60% improvement in answering client queries independently, significantly enhancing our customer service efficiency."

Key Features Tailored for Real Estate Professionals


Efficient Lead Screening and Qualification

Automate the initial stages of client engagement, ensuring only the most qualified leads reach your sales team.


Automated Property Tours Booking

Seamlessly connect clients to your calendar, simplifying the process of scheduling property tours.


24/7 Client Support

Provide round-the-clock assistance for both property managers and clients, from handling inquiries to solving common issues, ensuring high satisfaction levels.

Discover the Potential

Embrace the power of AI to not just meet but exceed your real estate business goals. Our platform offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to enhance every aspect of your operations, from lead generation to client engagement.

Ready to see our AI chatbots in action and transform your real estate business? Book a demo or sign up for a free trial today, and join the ranks of real estate professionals who are setting new standards in efficiency and client satisfaction.

“After years in real estate, I found myself longing for a change but uncertain about my next steps. I was 45 and worried it might be too late for a career shift. That's when Cataleya Chat showed me how my personal interest in property renovation could evolve into a lucrative niche. The transition has been transformative, rekindling my passion for real estate in ways I never imagined. Thanks to Cataleya Chat, I've discovered an exciting new chapter in my career.” 

Carrie Anne Real Estate Specialist in Renovations San Francisco, CA 

“As a recent college graduate, the vast world of real estate felt overwhelming. I knew I wanted to make my mark but had no idea where to start. Cataleya Chat was a game-changer, helping me identify my strengths and interests within the industry. Their platform didn't just help me find a job; it helped me carve out a career path that I'm passionate about. I'm now leveraging my skills in a role that feels tailor-made for me. My gratitude to Cataleya Chat is boundless!” 

James Rice Emerging Real Estate Agent New York City, NY

Transform Your Real Estate Business with Cataleya Chat

Discover the full potential of Cataleya Chat's features and see firsthand how they can transform your real estate operations. With our commitment to innovation and excellence, we're here to support your journey every step of the way. Visit us now to explore the features and take the first step towards redefining your client communication strategy.

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